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  • 随着 2025 年推出新的个人陈述格式,申请流程正在发生变化,许多学生对此毫无准备。传统的自由格式论文正在被结构化、有针对性的问题所取代,如果没有明确的策略,就很难脱颖而出。新格式没有模板。

  • 许多成绩优异、课外活动丰富的申请者往往无法获得录取,因为他们很难表达自己的热情、经验和学术潜力。新格式要求回答简明扼要、有影响力,如果没有适当的指导,学生可能会得出千篇一律的答案,而这些答案往往杂乱无章,无法脱颖而出。

  • 这正是专家辅导发挥重要作用的地方。凭借多年 STEM 招生经验,我帮助学生撰写引人注目、结构良好的回答,突出牛津剑桥和一流大学所寻求的品质。

  • 立即预约咨询,确保您的个人陈述在 2025 年新招生过程中脱颖而出。


Interview Structure


The interview begins with a brief conversation to put you at ease. Interviewers may ask about your academic background, your motivation for applying, and why you chose engineering. This is a chance to show enthusiasm, confidence, and a deep curiosity for the subject. A strong introduction sets the tone for the rest of the interview.

Personal Statement

Your personal statement isn't just for the application—it may come up in the interview. Tutors might pick out a project, book, or concept you mentioned and ask you to expand on it. Be prepared to discuss any claims you made, explain technical concepts clearly, and link them to broader engineering principles. This section tests whether you have a genuine interest in engineering beyond just academics.

Technical Questions

Oxbridge interviewers test how you think rather than just what you know. The three main types of questions include:

  • Problem Solving – maths physics requiring logical reasoning and methodical thinking. Problem-

  • Brain Teasers – Abstract, lateral-thinking questions designed to test creativity under pressure.

  • Graph Sketching – Interpreting and analyzing mathematical and physical relationships by sketching functions and forces.


The interview wraps up with an opportunity to ask questions. This is your chance to demonstrate genuine interest in the course and university. Asking thoughtful, subject-specific questions can leave a strong final impression. You may also be asked to reflect on the problems you worked through in the technical section—interviewers want to see if you can assess your own learning and refine your approach.

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